Holistic Seminars

Monthly Holistic Seminars

Monthly holistic seminars are a way to come together to learn more about a specific topic of interest. 

If you are interested in attending, click here to RSVP, choose the date of the event you wish to attend and complete the ticket information. The seminars will be held via Zoom.

Seminar Topic List


Associated Book (if any)

October, 2020

Pranayama and Breathwork Workbook by
James Beard

Chris Thomas, LCSW, to lead the group in a breath work exercise.

November, 2020

History Auntie Jane
by Tom Lidot

Local San Diego plant based remedies. 

December, 2020

Ayurvedic perspective on Menopause.

January, 2021


February, 2021

Birth Control.

March, 2021

Ayurvedic perspective on Stages of a Woman’s life.

April, 2021

Breathwork, more detailed to be announced.

May, 2021

June, 2021

To be determined.

July, 2021

Vermont Retreat, culmination of our year’s learning.